When unity becomes strenght

Needless to say when I first got diagnosed with Alopecia I was far from open to sharing it with the world like I am doing today. I didn't want to talk about it, because to be honest, I didn't really know how. I was numb a lot of the time so I could not tell you how I was feeling or explain to you what was happening to me and when I wasn't numb I was far too angry to be making sense to anyone.

I know I should not have felt embarrassed, but I did, I know I should not have felt ugly, but I did and I know I should not have felt alone, but I so did. Hiding away seemed like the best option as this meant I did not need to worry about what other people thought of me. Family and friends were frightened of bringing it up too as they were worried this would cause more distress. My family are from an Italian background so a lot of things were kept quiet or within the family. It is fair to say I currently do not conform to those family values and I am finally sharing my story with the world.

When I first started to wear my wig less and began this journey through blogging I met up with my incredibly wise 20 yr old second cousin Elisa, she told me that "if I never take risks in life, I will never receive opportunity". I mulled this over and started to put this advice into place.

I still do not know a lot of women who go out bald in public, but I have now taken that risk and started reaching out to people that I have found on social media. I have sent out a few messages and I am due to meet with them in the new year. Just knowing other people who are going through the same as me and me being ready to connect (as I was far from ready to connect to other bald women previous to now) with them has given me the strength to go out bald that I have not yet experienced. At the moment I still go out alone or with my husband bald and I will go to work bald sometimes. But when I am with friends or family in public I will still wear my wig because I would feel too much like the odd one out as none of my family and friends suffer with Alopecia, but this will change soon.

2020 will be the start of me documenting all the beautiful bald women I will be meeting up with so please keep your eyes peeled on my future blog posts.

Unity really is strength for me and you don't have to do anything

Thank You for reading x
