Loss does not just mean Death

I have suffered grief through loss of family members, pets, relationships, parts of myself and along with needing to learn to cope with the loss and grief from the above I have had to learn to cope, manage and accept the loss of my hair. 

This blog post can be applied to any loss, loss of person, relationship, body part, pet or part of the self. You do not need to have or have suffered Alopecia to be reading this or any of my posts. 

When I was at my lowest and darkest point of having Alopecia I was lucky enough to be studying a Psychology and Counselling degree at the University of Chester where I became familiar with the Kubler- Ross 5 stages of grief. This model helped me to realise that what I was experiencing was normal and that I could go back to any stage until I no longer needed to and until I reached true acceptance. 

The 5 stages are as follows:
  • Denial
  • anger 
  • bargaining
  • depression 
  • acceptance 
I had spent much time in the first 4 stages until I could not physically or emotionally be in that stage for any longer. Later on in life I realised that Acceptance really was the way forward and that this was the key to setting me free from the grief I was experiencing. 

Along with experiencing all the stages, the gifts of loss have been tremendous. I believe, I am now a much better person than I would have been if I did not experience Alopecia, I have true empathy for those who have conditions that are visible and non visible which also helps me with my job as a Holistic Therapist. I have experienced unconditional love and can now give unconditional love, I am a natural healer to those around me but most of all I have learned to love myself and that shines through to every person I meet and hopefully makes a difference in their lives. 

Loss is a heart breaking inevitability we all face and learn to manage and cope with in our own ways. Though a lot of us do not 'get over' a loss we find a way to accept and continue to live. 

From writing this post I hope that all who have had / are / and will be experiencing loss and grief, you continue in your journey with great strength until you find acceptance, peace and blessings. 

Peace and love to you all.

Thank you for reading x 
